Stay Home, Stay Calm & Stay Positive

Stay Home, Stay Calm & Stay Positive

These past few days, being at home because of COVID, is causing me to get anxious sometimes. Generally I am an introvert and would rather stay at home than go out. In fact, I love staying indoors with a good book than go out. Now, though I am an introvert, I love spending time with people. But sometimes, I would rather cuddle up to a nice book than keep my foot out of my home. As an indoors person, if I was feeling the blues, then imagine someone who loves to go out. What will such a person do?

Getting anxiety, feeling frustrated, drowning in a blue sea of sadness is common during these lock down times. Here is how you can beat it.

  1. Take care of your mental health
    Its okay to feel frustrated, closed up or depressed. But remember that this too will pass. The important thing is to keep your mind healthy. Don’t dwell on negative thoughts. If you feel angry, channel that into some sort of creative pursuit. Talk to someone if you are feeling anxious. Don’t worry, everybody is going through the same thing and we all will come out of this together.
  2. Sleep Well
    In case you think, sleeping is not a problem while staying at home then you are wrong. Your body is out of whack from the change in schedule or no schedule. If you find yourself lying awake at 3AM in the morning, don’t worry a lot of them are. It’s important to get good amount of sleep, as this affects your body. Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep. Try some apps that will help you fall asleep or a white noise machine.
  3. Eat Healthy
    Eat what you can get, but try to make sure that it’s healthy. As our outdoor activities have been curbed, see that you eat something that provides your body with necessary nutrients and enough to sustain with everything else you have been doing at home. Drink lots of water and try and reduce your caffeine intake.
  4. Exercise at home
    There are lots of exercises which you can do at home. Whenever it is possible, try and search on YouTube for some at home exercise videos. Yoga, dancing, skipping, high cardio workouts are some that you can check. A lot trainers have also offered free classes and are posting their workout videos on YouTube or their Instagram pages. Try to watch them and at least dedicate 20 minutes a day to make sure you are active.
  5. Talk to your folks
    During times like these we tend to think we are all alone and lonely. But that’s not the case. You are not alone in these times. Reach out to your loved ones, talk to your family, interact with your neighbors (while maintaining social distancing) and try to be proactive with everyone you know. Look at this as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with everyone. It will also help you get rid of your anxiety and fears, help your friends and loved ones get rid of theirs, help them and yourself with well being. It is also a great way of letting people know that you are there for them.
  6. Hobby it out
    Painting, sculpting, art, sketching, cooking or even drawing, any kind of creative pursuits that can help you relax, take your mind of distressing news, help you feel rejuvenated and find your passion. Use this times to use the resources near you and create a piece of art that will give you an outlet. Even if you are not artistically inclined, you can try it out.
  7. Read a Good Book
    Even if you don’t want to try and test your artistic skills, then opening a book might be it for you. Crank up that music, pick up a book, sit in your favorite place and read it. If you do not have any book on your “To Be Read” list then there are a lot of celebrities who have started a book club that you pick a book from. Or our very own Po has started a book club that you can join and read the book she recommends.
  8. Take Regular Breaks
    Instead of sitting at one place, take a break. Instead of gluing yourself to any screen, take a break every twenty or thirty minutes. Go for a short walk (while social distancing), count the steps you make, drink water and do not get tempted by the junk. Make sure you aren’t stressing yourself out. Use a break to meditate while moving from the dining table to the sofa and then to the bed.
  9. Do not obsess over the news
    Yes, you have to know what’s happening around the world. Dedicate only a few minutes a day so that it doesn’t stress you out or making you paranoid. Do not forward anything that you haven’t verified. Don’t dwell on the negative, stay focused on the positive and that this will be over soon. Trust reliable sources and spread the right information around, make sure everyone around you is doing the same.

We are all in this together. We will make out of this together.

Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Clean. Stay Calm. And Stay Healthy.

Archie (Pooh)

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